Thursday, March 25, 2010

<48 hrs to the 24 hrs!

Well, I'm over at the gym for a light walk, some stretching, and that'll be the last of the exercise til Saturday! It's a little odd hitting the treadmill at the gym and being able to type on the iPhone at the same time... But I need to stay loose and at the same time not deplete any of my glycogen reserves. It's a pasta, fish, and veggie night tonight (yay!) and I'm hitting 5 meals a day to stay on the "gain" cycle.

I'm getting pumped to just get going! It's an anxiety-rich environment right now, being this close, but not quite there!

PaIslee will be shooting a video blog segment as I complete each lap, so it should show my slow degradation into total exhaustion... ;). Hopefully it'll prove entertaining for those "tuning in".

Again, MAJOR THANKS to everyone who has pledged, donated, or supported this adventure! The next blogs will be video! Woooohoooo!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:S River Front Pkwy,South Jordan,United States

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