Sunday, March 21, 2010

D-day Approaches!

Yesterday was the one-week mark to the 24 hrs

of Moab Solo Challenge. I’m getting nervous, for sure. My big concern is keeping my IT band in good shape, as that seems to be my Achilles heel in running. I’ll be using my “marathon stick” on it each lap to try to keep it in good condition, and supplementing electrolytes like crazy. It’s a theory… hope it works.

Just for grins, I reviewed the results from the 2009 race, and there were only about 10 men in the solo run, and only one ran all 24 hrs… and he placed 3rd (after 64+ miles). Yeah, it’s about total distance covered, and the guy that placed 1st stopped running at about 2am (after 80+ miles) so he didn’t have to run all 24hrs to win. For me, it’s not about the “win”; it’s about getting as many miles as possible for the MORE Project Expedition. Not that a “win” is a possibility for me, but it would be a killer serendipity to actually place in the top three somehow. I’m targeting a 60+ mile event, so there’s a slight chance I could be in the running for a place!

I’ve been doing some zone 1-2 runs to keep limber, but not deplete my glycogen stores. I ran hard on Thursday, spent about 30 minutes in zone 3, with 15 min in zone 2 before and after, and definitely felt the effects. Today I’ll run 90 min in zone 2, and then three more 60 min zone 1 runs before Saturday, and I’ll be eating well this week… fish, pasta, rice, dark green veggies, and full supplements. It all comes down to giving myself every possible chance to make the best of the pledges Paislee has received for this event. If you’re reading this, and you haven’t pledged… please do! :) (email me with your pledge-per-mile at Thanks to everyone, and stay tuned for more on this entertaining little adventure!

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