Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The 24hrs of Moab Solo Challenge FUNDRAISER!

It’s not like I started out thinking “I ought to run for 24 hrs straight”… I started trail running to stay in shape for skiiing and climbing, and enjoy time in the mountains. I kept pushing my distances, until I was putting in 17-18 miles on a “long run” and 6-7 on a “short run”. I learned about organized 50k trail races, gave one a try and found out that I enjoyed the process, so… I keep entering and running them. Then I got hooked up to pace Troy Robertson ( on part of the Wasatch 100 mile race, (which took him 31hrs 59min). The entire environment was really cool, so I decided that might be a good goal. So… a good first step would be running for 24 hrs… logical, no?

Now enter my daughter Paislee, who wants to do something to make the world a better place, and I introduce her to the MORE Project ( We dropped by and talked to Valerie, and she mentioned the “MORE Expeditions”, and instantly, Paislee had her volunteer opportunity. Now she just needed a way to start raising funds… see the pending convergence?

So I pay my entry fee for the 24 hours of MOAB, and we start collecting pledges from anyone and everyone willing to support this combo of philanthropy and insanity. Sounded simple enough, but now the concept of logistics set in. I need support for the entire 24 hours including; pacers, food preparation, sleeping arrangements for the pacers and support crew, etc. I initially sent out a request for volunteer help to the entire IT department I work in, and WOW! I work with some great people! Not only did I get several pacers to help me through the run (Chandler Childs, Dan Eastman, and Bruce Arnett from IT, and Tina Walls from Excel Staffing), but also a crew chief (Steve Brigham from IT).

Even more impressive, Tina Walls is not only going to pace during my run, but she’s volunteered to take on the kitchen duties for the entire day! That’s a big task and one I am so glad I don’t have to figure out now!

All of this is just a big realization of how this is not just one guy going running for 24 hours; it’s an entire team of people coming together to help make it possible for one, philanthropically-minded young woman to make a difference in this world. I am, and will always be humbled by this kind of outpouring of support for a good cause. Thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. Vince! How is it going? We are thinking about you tonight, and hoping all is well. We're pulling for you!
